Tweener Time

Once again it’s Tweener Time. Tweeners are those cartoons too raunchy for outdoor publications but to outdoorsy for Playboy. Catfishermen with stink bait have nothing on bow hunters, who use a variety of smelly substances to mask their own odor. Raccoon urine was in vogue for a while but you don’t hear much about it …

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing

Representing the Heart Of America Fly Fishers, Mark Borserine and I sat in with a couple of other fly tiers at the Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing meeting Tuesday night. PHWFF is an organization that helps wounded service men and women get into all aspects of fly fishing from rod building and fly tying to …

Climate Change

Climate change…global warming…whatever you call it… is it happening and if so, is it anthropogenic? Will its effects be beneficial, harmful or a little of both? What if anything can be done about it?  The answer to these and many other questions can be found at the Johnson County Library. These four books will get …

Once again it’s Tweener Time

As you may remember, Tweeners are cartoons too edgy or raunchy for outdoor magazines but too outdoorsy for Playboy. They are in between. If this particular Tweener seems mild to you that’s because you’re not a magazine editor. To we normal people this cartoon depicts two toms discussing how they hope to wind up in …

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc.

A catchphrase making the rounds nowadays is “I want to do something to make a difference”. What makes a difference varies from person to person but here’s something that will definitely make a difference regardless of your political persuasion: Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, Inc. PHWFF provides fly fishing, fly casting, and fly tying instruction …