As the New Year festers on the horizon, threatening to cut a wide swath through our hopes and expectations, lighten your load with a brief moment of laughter.
As you may recall from a previous lesson, a “Tweener” is a cartoon that’s a little too raunchy for outdoor publications but too outdoorsy for Playboy. It’s in between. The urban metrosexual Playboy reader knows nothing of doe-in-heat scent (unless he leads an even kinkier sex life than most) and the typical outdoor magazine editor isn’t comfortable publishing a cartoon that, in this case, deals with cross-fertilization between deer and deer hunter.
But you’re a weirdo or you wouldn’t be looking at this blog, so you should be able to view a Tweener once in a while without having your moral compass knocked off kilter.

Published by BruceCochran
Bruce Cochran graduated from Oklahoma University in 1960 with a B.A. in design. He worked as a humor writer/illustrator for Hallmark Cards from 1960 – 1962 and has freelanced as a writer, cartoonist and illustrator since then. Cochran drew daily sports cartoon for USA Today from 1983 – 1991. He has 10 humor/cartoon books published by Willow Creek Press and his work appears regularly in Wyoming Wildlife, Outdoor News, On Wisconsin Outdoors, Pheasants Forever Journal, Wildfowl, Gundog, Ducks Unlimited magazine, Delta Waterfowl and other publications. He also writes and illustrates a regular humor column for Wyoming Wildlife News. Bruce won first place in the magazine humor category of OWAA’s EIC contest in 2000, 2004, 2008, 2009, and 2010. Life Sponsor: Ducks Unlimited. Life member: NRA. Member: Pheasants Forever, Trout Unlimited, OWAA and Outdoor Writers of Kansas.
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