Larry Bowser 1935 – 2013

One of the most creative guys I’ve ever known, my good friend and long time fishing partner Larry Bowser passed away recently. Larry was one of the first people I met at Hallmark when I went to work there in 1960. We fished together from 1960 until the last few years when Larry’s health deteriorated.

Long ago, while fishing a strip pit near Pleasanton, KS, Larry caught a large bass (the first of many) and I caught a big catfish while fishing for crappie with an ultra light spinning rod and 16th oz. jig. From then on we often referred to ourselves as “Larry Lunker and Catfish Cochran”.

So the ongoing saga of “Larry Lunker and Catfish Cochran” has finally come to a close.

I will always miss him.

Curious buck

It’s been a long time between blog posts. That’s because I haven’t been doing anything interesting to blog about, which is my own fault.

Thankfully Scott Morgan of Baldwin City, KS has sent me another beautiful trail cam shot of a nice buck checking out his deer feeder. Wouldn’t you like to see this big guy opening morning!

Curious buck


A Funny Year

My story Duck Math, published in Delta Waterfowl magazine, took first place in the Magazine Contest: Humor Category of the 2013 Outdoor Writers Association of America Excellence In Craft contests.

Two of my cartoons from Wildfowl magazine took first and second place in the Illustration/Graphic contest.

Illustration from Duck Math
Illustration from Duck Math

A lesson in perseverance against all odds

I’ll never use “birdbrain” as an insult again. A robin was intent on building a nest on the light fixture over our deck. I knew it was a terrible location but she wouldn’t listen to me. You know how women are.

She worked and worked, flying material up and placing it around like she wanted. Most of it fell to the deck, making a big mess. I thought she’d finally give up and find a more suitable place. I would have. But she kept piling stuff up  and finally a little  began to stick.

Then the whole thing fell off. Time to quit, I thought. Not Birdbrain! She started over with mostly the same results. But after several days of looking around for just the right twigs, pieces of string etc. and flying them to the light fixture they began to adhere to the mud she brought up in her beak. I assume that’s how they bring it. Can you imagine flying around with a mouth full of mud?

Successful at last, now she’s incubating eggs in the nest, flying away quickly whenever we open the door but never going far or staying long.

I’m looking at her through my studio door right now and I swear to God she looks like she’s panting.

Robin's nest

Tweener Time

Once again it’s Tweener Time. Tweeners are those cartoons too raunchy for outdoor publications but to outdoorsy for Playboy.

Catfishermen with stink bait have nothing on bow hunters, who use a variety of smelly substances to mask their own odor. Raccoon urine was in vogue for a while but you don’t hear much about it lately. Maybe the supply dried up (pun intended).

coon pee

Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing

Representing the Heart Of America Fly Fishers, Mark Borserine and I sat in with a couple of other fly tiers at the Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing meeting Tuesday night. PHWFF is an organization that helps wounded service men and women get into all aspects of fly fishing from rod building and fly tying to developing fly casting proficiency.

You can become involved in this worthwhile project by contacting Bob Barnett at (816) 309-7071   or [email protected]

Climate Change

Climate changeglobal warming…whatever you call it… is it happening and if so, is it anthropogenic? Will its effects be beneficial, harmful or a little of both? What if anything can be done about it? 

The answer to these and many other questions can be found at the Johnson County Library. These four books will get you started.

Unstoppable Global Warming (Every 1500 Years) by Dennis T. Avery & S. Fred Singer

The Politically Incorrect Guide To Global Warming by Christopher C. Horner

The Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg

An appeal To Reason by Nigel Lawson.


Once again it’s Tweener Time

As you may remember, Tweeners are cartoons too edgy or raunchy for outdoor magazines but too outdoorsy for Playboy. They are in between.

If this particular Tweener seems mild to you that’s because you’re not a magazine editor. To we normal people this cartoon depicts two toms discussing how they hope to wind up in the sack (or where ever turkeys do it) with that sexy female turkey on the right. To an editor it conjures up images of inappropriate sexual advances, tag-team rape and possible job loss.

And you thought the cartoon racket was easy.
