Cartoonist Bruce CochranBruce Cochran’s cartoons and illustrations livened up the pages of America’s outdoor publications from the 1960s to when he “crossed the finish line” in 2022.

Cochran’s 15 humor books, published by Willow Creek Press since 1990, have sold over 104,000 copies. Bruce’s drawings have illustrated the work of many popular outdoor humorists. Since 2000 his stories have received numerous first-place awards in the Outdoor Writers Association of America Excellence In Craft contests. He was the 2017 recipient of the prestigious OWAA Lifetime Excellence In Craft Award.

Bruce’s cartoons and articles appeared regularly in  Ducks Unlimited magazine, Gun DogPheasants Forever Journal, WildfowlKansas Wildlife & Parks magazine, and On Wisconsin Outdoors. His illustrations were featured regularly in Ducks Unlimited’s children’s magazine Puddler.

In addition to his work with outdoor publications, Cochran was a frequent cartoon contributor to Playboy since 1960 and his cartoon feature Fun ‘n’ Games with Cochran appeared daily in the Sports section of USA Today from 1983 through 1991.

Bruce served on the OWAA Board of Directors, and supports Trout Unlimited, Pheasants Forever, and Delta Waterfowl. He was a Life Sponsor of Ducks Unlimited and a lifetime member of the National Rifle Association.

Pick up any Cochran book or browse through a magazine featuring his paintings, cartoons, stories, or illustrations and you’ll experience the feeling of “being there” that makes his work so popular with sportsmen everywhere. His books can be ordered from or purchased directly from Willow Press. His watercolors and cartoons are available as prints, posters, or note cards at